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Is it really the media really the ultimate culprit (along with corporations) or is it - get ready for it - "sin"- in my case, I mean taking ourselves to be limited, separate beings, cut off from the Infinite Intelligence sometimes referred to as G_d)

Is this veering too far from your main focus? Since you're teaching psychology, I'd like to make a strong recommendation for a radically different view of what is happening int he world, FAR from anything Chomsky has ever dreamed of:

"The Psychology of Human Development," by Sri Aurobindo. The newer title is "The Human Cycle," but the essential view is the same. He also later wrote "The Ideal of Human Unity," which shows in a way I've never seen anywhere else how humanity can come together, internationally, in a way which is organic, locally focused, and devoted to the Supreme Reality manifest in and as all of us.

Considering he led the independence movement in India prior to Gandhi's entry on the scene, he clearly has some street cred with regard to world events (he also pleaded with the British in the early 1940s to make some changes to their policies with regard to Muslims and Hindus. In retrospect, many histories say if his words had been heeded, there would never have been the Hindu-Muslim riots of 1947 nor would Indian have been split with the creation of Pakistan)

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